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    Antofagasta PLC

    Antofagasta PLC

    Antofagasta plc owns and operates copper mines in Chile and conducts exploration a...

    Antofagasta plc owns and operates copper mines ...

    Falcon Minerals Corporation

    Falcon Minerals Corporation

    Falcon Minerals Corporation (NASDAQ: FLMN, FLMNW) is a C-Corporation formed to own...

    Falcon Minerals Corporation (NASDAQ: FLMN, FLMN...

    Altiplano Metals Inc.

    Altiplano Metals Inc.

    Altiplano Minerals is a mineral exploration company focused on evaluating and acqu...

    Altiplano Minerals is a mineral exploration com...

    Amur Minerals Corp.

    Amur Minerals Corp.

    Amur Minerals Corporation is a nickel copper sulphide mineral exploration company ...

    Amur Minerals Corporation is a nickel copper su...

    Alvopetro Energy Ltd.

    Alvopetro Energy Ltd.

    Alvopetro Energy Ltd. produces oil and natural gas. The Company operates hydrocarb...

    Alvopetro Energy Ltd. produces oil and natural ...

    American Gas & Technology LP

    American Gas & Technology LP

    American Gas & Technology was formed to manufacture and put into service a unique ...

    American Gas & Technology was formed to manufac...

    New Pacific Metals Corp.

    New Pacific Metals Corp.

    New Pacific Metals Corp. is a Canadian Mining Issuer, in the business of exploring...

    New Pacific Metals Corp. is a Canadian Mining I...

    China Natural Resources, Inc.

    China Natural Resources, Inc.

    China Natural Resources Inc, listed on the Nasdaq capital market (code: CHNR), is ...

    China Natural Resources Inc, listed on the Nasd...

    Pan American Silver Corp.

    Pan American Silver Corp.

    Pan American Silver is the world's second largest primary silver producer, providi...

    Pan American Silver is the world's second large...