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    FreshMynd Inc.

    FreshMynd Inc.

    Freshmynd is developing a breakthrough ADHD supplement for kids backed by 20+ inde...

    Freshmynd is developing a breakthrough ADHD sup...

    Gulf Chronic Care Inc

    Gulf Chronic Care Inc

    Gulf Chronic Care, Inc. was established specifically to address the diabetic epide...

    Gulf Chronic Care, Inc. was established specifi...

    Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd.

    Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd.

    Enlivex is a clinical stage immunotherapy company, developing an allogeneic drug p...

    Enlivex is a clinical stage immunotherapy compa...

    Eclipse Diagnostics Inc.

    Eclipse Diagnostics Inc.

    Eclipes Diagnostics develops CANABINOX, a handheld testing device that can accurat...

    Eclipes Diagnostics develops CANABINOX, a handh...

    Tactile Systems Technology, Inc.

    Tactile Systems Technology, Inc.

    Tactile Medical is a leader in developing and marketing at-home therapy devices th...

    Tactile Medical is a leader in developing and m...

    iCAD inc.

    iCAD inc.

    iCAD, Inc. an industry-leading provider of advanced image analysis, workflow solut...

    iCAD, Inc. an industry-leading provider of adva...