Adecco's principal business is providing personnel services to companies and industry worldwide. The Adecco Group provides its services through its three Divisions: Adecco Staffing, Ajilon Professional, and LHH Career Services. The Adecco Staffing division focuses on providing full range of staffing services. Ajilon Professional division provides a range of specialised staffing and consulting businesses. LHH Career Services division provides career management and leadership consulting services, including outplacement, executive coaching and career development and transitioning are available.
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FetchFind is an established leader in professional pet education, providing pet ca...
FetchFind is an established leader in professio...
DIVERCITY ( is a job platform dedicated to diversity hiring and to bu...
DIVERCITY ( is a job platform dedi...
Coursalytics is a marketplace for executive education making it easy for corporate...
Coursalytics is a marketplace for executive edu...
EscoBoss is a freelancing platform that connects users with local providers to hir...
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eProtege is developing a professional social network for high school and college a...
eProtege is developing a professional social ne...
DoraHacks builds hacker communities around the world and provides recruiting servi...
DoraHacks builds hacker communities around the ...
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