Apoth?ka Blockchain: Transforms Electronic Medical Records Platforms into Secure Blockchain Eco-Systems. We are a software solutions-focused company that uses blockchain given its iron-clad security and scalable, distributed design. Influenced by our deep hospital operations experience, we solve IT friction points using blockchain technology. Source
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Cray Inc.'s mission is to be the premier provider of supercomputing solutions for ...
Cray Inc.'s mission is to be the premier provid...
GSI Technology designs, develops and markets a broad range of high performance mem...
GSI Technology designs, develops and markets a ...
Descartes (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG) is the global leader in providing on-demand, sof...
Descartes (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG) is the global...
iClick Interactive was China's largest independent online marketing technology pla...
iClick Interactive was China's largest independ...
MMTEC, INC. is a technology company in providing access to the U.S. financial mark...
MMTEC, INC. is a technology company in providin...
Ameri100 is a fast-growing technology services company that specializes in SAP and...
Ameri100 is a fast-growing technology services ...
MTBC is a healthcare information technology company that provides a fully integrat...
MTBC is a healthcare information technology com...
Zoi, on a basic level, is an app that integrates with an Apple Watch and other wea...
Zoi, on a basic level, is an app that integrate...
For over 20 years Streamline Health has provided solutions that address the fundam...
For over 20 years Streamline Health has provide...
Props is an open-source project intended to tokenize the digital economy. Currentl...
Props is an open-source project intended to tok...
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