Growing Talent is a cannabis technology company that utilizes its equity incubator to propel minority entrepreneurs into the cannabis marketplace as a Good Tree owner-operator. Source
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Key Tronic Corporation (Nasdaq: KTCC) is a leader in electronic manufacturing serv...
Key Tronic Corporation (Nasdaq: KTCC) is a lead...
LSI Industries Inc. is a U.S.-based manufacturer of lighting, graphics and technol...
LSI Industries Inc. is a U.S.-based manufacture...
TSR is a dynamic, forward-looking organization with a long and successful track re...
TSR is a dynamic, forward-looking organization ...
Wix is leading the way with a cloud-based website development platform for over 16...
Wix is leading the way with a cloud-based websi...
Community Ventures is a non-profit organization that fosters local community econo...
Community Ventures is a non-profit organization...
NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) is the worldwide leading provider of both cloud and on-premise...
NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) is the worldwide leading pr...
Work Hard Pittsburgh is a cooperatively owned and operated business incubator that...
Work Hard Pittsburgh is a cooperatively owned a...
Womenâs entrepreneurship is booming!As of 2018, it is estimated that there are n...
Womenâs entrepreneurship is booming!As of 201...
GiveTide is a free mobile fundraising app for donors and nonprofits. Donors can ro...
GiveTide is a free mobile fundraising app for d...
DonorSee is a philanthropy platform that allows donors to see and interact with th...
DonorSee is a philanthropy platform that allows...
Transatlantic Real Estate LLC is a real estate company that specializes in the acq...
Transatlantic Real Estate LLC is a real estate ...
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